Pope Franzsikus Encyclical Laudato si

The Infinitism to implement the encyclical of Pope Fanziskus to make known the true extent of our task. Here to the encyclical

  Citation from the encyclical

67. We are not God. The earth was here before us and it has been given to us. This allows us to respond to the charge that Judaeo-Christian thinking, on the basis of the Genesis account which grants man “dominion” over the earth (cf. Gen 1:28), has encouraged the unbridled exploitation of nature by painting him as domineering and destructive by nature. This is not a correct interpretation of the Bible as understood by the Church. Although it is true that we Christians have at times incorrectly interpreted the Scriptures, nowadays we must forcefully reject the notion that our being created in God’s image and given dominion over the earth justifies absolute domination over other creatures. The biblical texts are to be read in their context, with an appropriate hermeneutic, recognizing that they tell us to “till and keep” the garden of the world (cf. Gen 2:15). “Tilling” refers to cultivating, ploughing or working, while “keeping” means caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving. This implies a relationship of mutual responsibility between human beings and nature. Each community can take from the bounty of the earth whatever it needs for subsistence, but it also has the duty to protect the earth and to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations. “The earth is the Lord’s” (Ps 24:1); to him belongs “the earth with all that is within it” (Dt 10:14). Thus God rejects every claim to absolute ownership: “The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with me” (Lev 25:23).

  Interpretation of Infinitism

This caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving is a much more powerful task, as it has taken mankind ever true. The immensity of this task was first described in the levels of a civilization in the book "Calculation ERROR" starting at page 399.

We can be part of a civilization that can grow on this huge task, or extremely myopic Super individualists who live like puppies into the day and let god be a nice man.

Paradigm infinitism Paradigm infinitism
Can a civilization develop an unlimited ability to survive? We think so! Thus, worldwide wealth and a limitless future is possible.

Organization to promote infinitism
The non-profit organization to promote infinitism has been registered March 2nd 2015 in Austria. It supports actions to disseminate infinitism

Members from the organization to promote Infinitism
Our members, their biography, achievements and statements on the new paradigm Infinitism.

Paradigm Infinitism 2015
Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the ''Paradigm Infinitism - future must be fun again'' lecture tour.

Christmas message
Just before Christmas 2018, there was a meeting with a high dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. This message was drafted for that meeting.

  Paradigm Infinitism 2015

Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the “Paradigm Infinitism - future must be fun again“ lecture tour.

Paradigm infinitism: philosophy
A diagnosis for the civilization on planet earth that has been overdue for 2 centuries Civilization jump from 'helpless as a baby' to 'Can solve immediate problems'.

Paradigm infinitism: science
What was named 1992 for the first time in the book ''Advance to solar age'' ''civilization planning'', developed to the design of a new science important for survival.

Paradigm Infinitism: Politics
Policy based on the insights of “ethics – the science of survival” should be interpreted by all political tendencies.

Paradigm infinitism: economy
The world economy since 2008 in the fossil stagnation. Renewable energy can provide for all of humanity a standard of living like in USA or EU in their best time.

Organization to promote infinitism
The non-profit organization to promote infinitism has been registered March 2nd 2015 in Austria. It supports actions to disseminate infinitism

Members from the organization to promote Infinitism
Our members, their biography, achievements and statements on the new paradigm Infinitism.

Members in Infinitism by accession Month
Photos of all members plus listing all members after accession month.

Paradigm Infinitism 2015
Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the ''Paradigm Infinitism - future must be fun again'' lecture tour.

Paradigm Infinitism 2016
Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the “Unleash investment avalanche – trigger economic boom” lecture tour.

Christmas message
Just before Christmas 2018, there was a meeting with a high dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. This message was drafted for that meeting.

auto: 2015 car and traffic directory
wohnen: 2015 building and live directory
politik: 2015 politics directory
notebook: 2015 notebooks laptops directory
roland: 2015 Roland Mösl directory
newsletter: 2015 newsletter directory

          Pope Franzsikus Encyclical Laudato si: The Infinitism to implement the encyclical of Pope Fanziskus to make known the true extent of our task. Here to the encyclical https://paradigm.pege.org/2015/enzyklika-laudato-si.htm

Context description:  event events date time month 6 June spring summer 2015-06-19