25 years PEGE Anniversary

November 20th 1991, the project GEMINI inhabited solar power plant was extended to PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth.

The first approach of the PEGE was purely technical. With the GEMINI inhabited solar power plant show that one can also supply a far north industrial city such as Germany for the most part with solar power. The purely technical approach remained until 2004.

In 2004, the world-wide very similar tax system, which is harmful to humans, the environment and the economy, was recognized as the main problem. Chief task to wake up politicians, because we are driving full throttle against the wall.

In 2015, it was finally recognized that autumn 1991 already laid the foundation for a new philosophy that could not be more contradictory to current trends. The counter-movement to the doomsday sect "The limits to Growth", whose extremely hostile views in "Healthy Planets have no humans" culminate.

  Civilization levels and civilization jump

The first approaches to the discovery of the levels of civilization existed in 1996 with the investigation of the question "Why is there intelligent life" with the game theory.

In November 2011, the main topic of the speech at receiving the Gusi Peace Prize was the civilization jump, which was given to the back of the book cover of "Calculation ERROR". In 2013, the civilization levels had been discovered.

  New spiritual orientation

Part of a civilization that has the mission to preserve life on earth for many billions of years or to accept the self-destruction of a civilization as given?

This is a question where you can not stop struggling no matter how the circumstances are, no matter how exhausting it is. May the next great anniversary of the PEGE take place under much better circumstances.

Paradigm infinitism Paradigm infinitism
Can a civilization develop an unlimited ability to survive? We think so! Thus, worldwide wealth and a limitless future is possible.

Organization to promote infinitism
The non-profit organization to promote infinitism has been registered March 2nd 2015 in Austria. It supports actions to disseminate infinitism

Members from the organization to promote Infinitism
Our members, their biography, achievements and statements on the new paradigm Infinitism.

Paradigm Infinitism 2015
Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the ''Paradigm Infinitism - future must be fun again'' lecture tour.

Christmas message
Just before Christmas 2018, there was a meeting with a high dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. This message was drafted for that meeting.

  Paradigm Infinitism 2016

Activities of the organization to promote Infinitism. In particular, the “Unleash investment avalanche – trigger economic boom” lecture tour.

          25 years PEGE Anniversary: November 20th 1991, the project GEMINI inhabited solar power plant was extended to PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth. https://paradigm.pege.org/2016/25-years-pege.htm

Context description:  event events date time